
What Is Your Plan For the New Year?

Gift Vincent
What Is Your New Year Plan?
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As the new year is fast approaching, everyone is drawing up a new year’s resolution, which is a great thing. Everyone is building momentum to start afresh and have a new beginning. You are thinking, oh well, what’s the new year for if not a new beginning?

But wait… Let’s look at it from this angle – why does everyone want to draw up something NEW every time a new year is in view? what did you do with the previous plans from the previous years? have you checked out to see if the previous plans should just be carried on with some changes or some improvements to be made? does every new year’s resolution have to be new?

My Thoughts on New Year’s Resolution

To start with, I think your new year’s resolution should begin with reviewing the current year because it’s a total blunder to start the new year with fresh plans or resolutions when you cannot account for the previous one. I mean what’s the point of starting afresh every single year? isn’t that equivalent to reinventing the wheel?

Why would I want to start afresh if the year was a great one? why not continue with a foot to build from where the previous year left off? you get my point right? Instead of always trying to start afresh because it’s a brand new year simply build up and improve on where you left off.

Here are some ideas that have helped me so far and are still helping me today:

3 Ideas to Help You Plan the New Year

  1. Review and analyse the current/previous year

As I mentioned already, making brand new plans for a new year without reviewing the previous one would be reinventing the wheel – you’re bound to repeat all the struggles and mistakes faced in the previous year!

Instead of listing new plans afresh, what you need to do is go back to the lists you drew out for the previous year and answer the following questions:

  • Which of these goals was I able to achieve?
  • For the ones that were not achieved, why are they still pending?
  • Did I make mistakes on my journey to meeting up with these plans?
  • What are the mistakes made?
  • What are the lessons learnt?
  • And finally, what is the way forward?

If you answer these questions, you will be able to plan ahead and equip yourself better for the new year.

2. Draw Out Realistic Conclusions Based on Your Review

After your review, the next thing to do is to draw out your conclusions. Again, answering those questions in detail would help you draw realistic conclusions and it is on this basis that you will draw out a plan that will work for you and not against you.

3. Don’t Just Decide Ahead, You Have to Commit

A lot of people create goals they cannot and will never commit to achieving. Dear, If you are going to be one of those lots, then you might as well close this page right now and forget about setting any plans at all.

But if you’re ready to make this work then you have to commit to your objective. You might even want to consider signing a declaration endorsing it, simply put your commitment to achieving your objective in writing, this enhances your likelihood of following through.

In Summary

Without a doubt, there were successes, errors, and experiences that helped you grow into the person you are today. Take a close look at what pushed you forward and what held you back. You should note these key areas so that you can use them to develop a sound plan for the coming year.

Recognizing significant victories and areas for improvement is a great way to build the new year’s plan. Take a look at what contributed to achieving your goals and what didn’t then decide what to prioritise on a scale of preference.

I hope the new year brings more wins your way. Until next time, I’m always rooting for your success.

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