
10 Jobs You Can Start Today With No Experience

Gift Vincent
Jobs With No Experience

Millions of people all over the globe keep embracing online jobs every year and they do not have to rely on the traditional method of applying for jobs and working full time.

Pursuing an online job could be the best option for you if you’re trying to earn extra cash or escape the 9-5 hustle. However, searching for jobs and getting an online job is not an easy task because job opportunities keep getting competitive as more and more experienced job seekers keep embracing online jobs.

What is the easiest job to get without experience?

There are no easy careers anywhere. Although, there are entry-level jobs that consider job seekers with little to no previous professional experience. They are mostly digital jobs that require a committed and enthusiastic candidate because experience and skill can build over time while on-the-job.

What job can I do if I have no skills or experience?

You can apply for entry-level jobs that require no skills or previous professional experience. There are many jobs in these categories and they can be easily identified as ‘no experience needed’ in job descriptions.

10 Jobs You Can Start Today With No Experience

If you’re looking for a job with no experience, you should consider any of the following careers below:

  1. Online Tutoring: You should consider applying for online tutoring jobs if you’re an expert at a course and you’re willing to sell your knowledge to students from all over the world. It is important to be certified in this career to improve your chances of being hired.
  2. Digital Marketing: Are you passionate about selling online? If yes, you can learn about digital marketing and focus on either SEO, social media marketing/management or other forms of digital marketing. Since most businesses leverage and depend on digital channels to reach out to their customers, this sector is a goldmine.

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  1. Bookkeeping: Are you passionate about organizing finance and budgets? You should consider booking if these interest you. Most business owners need a bookkeeper to keep track of their finances. Bookkeeping involves tasks such as recording income and expenses, invoicing clients and preparing financial reports.
  2. Online Recruiter: Gone are the days when recruiters used to work in an office setting, things are no longer the same, you can be a recruiter while working from home now. You will only have to post vacancies and look for potential employees for a company. Though, you may be required to conduct a virtual interview so that you can screen out the best candidate for a role.
  3. Content Writing: If you’re passionate about writing, you should consider applying to write for blogs or journals that publish their content online. Content writing is one of the most lucrative jobs you can find online because of the increasing demand for creative writers to provide quality content for different brands.

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  1. Web Designing: If you’re creative and skilled at designing websites, you can work for any company since a website is essential for any online business. However, make sure you’re well familiar with the basic tools of designing like Adobe illustrator, UX, CSS, WordPress etc. because your proficiency might be tested. 
  2. Graphic Designing: Businesses are often in need of good online graphics to increase their brand awareness. So if you know the basics of using simple graphic tools like photoshop and Canva, you can easily apply for jobs and get hired for entry-level roles.
  3. Data Entry: Data entry is one of the most lucrative online jobs that require you to input alphabetic, numeric and symbolic data into a system. It requires little to no previous experience if you’re skilled in using some computer programs like Microsoft Excel and Microsoft Word.
  4. Virtual Assistant: You should consider becoming a virtual assistant if you possess basic digital skills and organization skills. A virtual assistant’s duty can be in the form of any simple office task like scheduling appointments, picking up calls and answering emails. There is an increase in demand for Virtual assistants because business owners tend to be busy and outsourcing simple office tasks gives them enough time to concentrate on other important aspects of their business.
  5. Proofreading: Proofreading is an online job that requires no skill and experience, it is as simple as spotting and correcting grammatical errors in email copies, blog posts and business documents. it. A proofreader acts as a second eye for publishers and edits their content to look more professional and error-free.

Conclusively, starting a digital career with no experience can be a tough journey. It takes patience, determination and passion to get an entry-level job, where you can start building your career. However, with the above guide, you should be able to figure out what works best for you and how to go about it.

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